Rainbow Hub


This project is funded by the European Union’s Rights, Equality and Citizenship Programme (2014-2020). The content of this website represents the views of the author only and is their sole responsibility. The European Commission does not accept any responsibility for use that may be made of the information it contains.


The overall aim of the BrinkItOn project, funded by the European Union’s Rights, Equality and Citizenship Programme (2014-2020), is to improve the social acceptance of LGBTI people in Bulgaria. Among the project’s objectives are to identify and analyse the trends and societal perceptions regarding LGBTI people by conducting research, as well as to build the capacity of the LGBTI movement for strategic planning development. During the project duration, the first LGBTI Strategic Framework and Action Plan in Bulgaria will be developed which will further be utilized to empower the LGBTI community and its allies and mobilise support for change.


28 months (1/07/2019 – 31/10/2021)


 Youth LGBTI organisation ‘Deystvie’ is founded in 2012 and it aims to improve the acceptance in society and overcome the negative stereotypes and discrimination that LGBTI people face every day. Our work’s focus falls on providing pro-bono legal consultations to LGBTI people, as well as other opportunities for empowering LGBTI people in Bulgaria and the encouragement of rule of law as a tool for overcoming homophobia and trans phobia as part of the everyday life of LGBTI people in Bulgaria.



 GLAS Foundation is founded in 2014. Its goal is to contribute towards a positive change in the life of lesbians, gay men, bisexual and trans people in Bulgaria by securing absolute equality and protection from all forms of discrimination. The foundation’s vision is of full participation of LGBT people in all aspects of life and society.



 Since 2004 Bilitis is a champion in the mobilization of LGBTI people in Bulgaria and an advocate of their rights. Bilitis is the oldest active LGBTI organisation in the country and its vision is for a society, where all people have equal rights and no one is being discriminated for who they are. Nowadays Bilitis actively stands up for the elimination of all sorts of discrimination and the achievement of absolute equality of LGBTI people in Bulgaria.



30 месеца (от 01.11.2019 – до 30.04.2022)


Conducting research on the needs of the LGBTI community across the country, as well as exploring societal perceptions and attitudes of the general public towards LGBTI people.

Carrying out consultations and enhancing the capacity of LGBTI community representatives to formulate strategic goals and develop a national Strategic Framework and Action Plan for the LGBTI movement in Bulgaria.

Organizing a series of events, including around Sofia Pride 2020, to build coalitions with various stakeholders and mobilize support for the implementation of the developed Strategic Framework.

Dissemination of information for the purposes of the Strategic Framework, both among the LGBTI communities and the general public, aimed to put forward the topic of equality in the public agenda.


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